History's Darkest Forms Of Execution And Torture

May 2024 · 2 minute read

As far as torture goes, this method is as disgusting as it is gruesome. It's called "scaphism," and it's the darkest form of "potty humor" in history. Scaphism dates back to the Persian Empire in the fifth century BCE. Like most ancient forms of torture, it's difficult for historians to say how often it was used or if it existed outside of theory. Let's hope it didn't. This is an awful way to die.

When you see the word "scaphism," you always see the phrase "milk and honey" along with it, and there's a reason for that. First, the victim would be bound to two small wooden "boats," one underneath and one laid over, with their limbs and head exposed, usually in a swampy area, according to Cultura Colectiva. Why a swamp? Swamps have bugs. This is where the milk and honey come in. The victim was force-fed the stuff — so much so that it gave them terrible diarrhea. The boat below caught that fly-enticing diarrhea and attracted bugs to eat at the victim's exposed body parts.

It took a long time to die from scaphism, long enough that you'd think the dehydration would get the victim first, but no, the tormentors wouldn't let their victims off the hook that easy. They'd just keep showing up and force-feeding more milk and honey, which has enough moisture and nutrients to keep you alive for quite a while. Alive, in your own poop, while eaten by bugs.
