Bad News Brown | WrestleZone Forums

May 2024 · 1 minute read
"As written in the autobiography of the Dynamite Kid, his well-known toughness was accentuated in a confrontation involving André the Giant, who had made a racist comment on a tour bus for New Japan Pro Wrestling. Coage overheard it and made the driver stop the bus, walking off and yelling at the Giant to get off and fight him one on one. In one of the few times anyone can remember him backing down from someone, André did not move from his seat and later apologized for the remark. According to Hulk Hogan, whom was question about the incident on the television show "The Voice" this never happened. He claimed what actually happened was he was sitting in between Brown and Andre and after a joke was made by Andre, Brown reached into his bag and Andre said that if he pulled anything on him he would end him and that was the end of it."

I kinda dont believe what hogan says anymore. Bad News sounds like a legit bad ass. Besides a decent sized olympic medal winning Judo fighter would seriously hurt a late 80's slow moving Andre.
