Why is my logitech mouse skipping

May 2024 · 2 minute read

How do I fix my Logitech mouse stuttering?

You can try to:
  • Unplug the transceiver from the USB port, leave it disconnected for a few seconds, and then re-plug it back.
  • Use a different USB port on your PC.
  • Use a USB hub and try all the ports on the hub.
  • Move the USB to a different USB port on your PC.
  • Why is my mouse cursor skipping?

    According to a survey, mouse jumping around is often related to faulty hardware including mouse, USB port, and cable. In addition, an outdated device driver, improper touchpad settings, mouse pointer, and even malware are responsible for cursor jumps around.

    Why is my Logitech mouse flickering?

    The mouse driver and keyboard driver may be causing your cursor to flicker. … Wireless mice or keyboards can have USB conflicts that may make your cursor flicker. If you are using wireless products, your cursor may flicker erratically when the batteries in the mouse or keyboard are low.

    Why is my Logitech mouse not smooth?

    The problem is due to the receiver being too close to the USB port. It picks up electronic noise generated by the computer’s parts, interfering with the signals passing from the mouse. … The solution is to install an extender, a male-female USB cord. It moves the receiver away from the computer.
