I have the world's longest tongue here's how it comes in handy

May 2024 · 3 minute read

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That’s ahhhhmazing!

Nick Stoeberl, a 33-year-old artist from California, holds the Guinness World Record for the man with the world’s longest tongue — and it actually proves to be incredibly helpful in cheeky ways.

Stoeberl has had the record licked since 2012. His tongue, which measures a whopping 3.97 inches, is so long it can hold five donut rings.

He says he doesn’t even need a napkin to wipe food off his face. It also helps him eat ice cream more efficiently and reach the pudding at the bottom of the cup.

“One of the most useful things my tongue offers is not having to use a napkin,” he told Guinness World Records in a November interview. “It’s eco-friendly.”

Stoeberl can eat ice cream more efficiently than regular-tongued people. Guinness World Records

He’s also leveraged his unique feature into a talent of sorts — Stoeberl puts Saran Wrap over his tongue and dips it in different colored paint to draw.

“I use my tongue to create … you could call it art I guess,” he revealed to Guinness World Records. “I wrap my tongue in cling wrap, dip that in acrylic [paint] and apply that to a canvas.”

He continued: “I know it’s rather long and I can do that, so why not express myself through that medium?”

Since being crowned the holder of the world’s longest tongue, he’s starred in a fashion campaign for Diesel. He was even featured on an Italian TV program called “La Notte Dei Record” in 2018. He also unsuccessfully auditioned for “America’s Got Talent.”

There are some downsides to this flex, such as being at a higher risk of choking on his tongue in his sleep if he’s not careful. He says he also receives weird online messages about his long asset — if you know what we mean.

“I’ve always sort of known I’ve had a long tongue, just like you would know if your hand was bigger,” Stoeberl explained.

Stoeberl’s younger brother, Chad, also has a long tongue — but it falls short of the record. Sometimes, Stoeberl said, the two stick their tongues out at each other just for fun, just like they did as kids.

He uses his tongue to make unique paintings. Guinness World Records
Stoeberl’s brother, Chad, also has quite a long tongue. But it’s not as long as Nick’s. Guinness World Records

Other tongue-record holders include Chanel Tapper, the woman with the longest tongue, at 3.8 inches; and Dante Barnes, who holds the male record for the largest tongue circumference, at 4.8 inches.

A woman from Connecticut named Samantha Ramsdell holds the record for the world’s largest mouth.

Stoeberl is not the only tongue twister making headlines — last month, a Turkish model said she needed emergency surgery after her date bit open her tongue while they shared a French kiss for the first time.

A Miami woman also confessed her tongue talents, which include playing an acoustic guitar.
