Hamish Linklater Net Worth How Much Is Hamish Linklater Worth?

May 2024 · 12 minute read

Curious about Hamish Linklater’s net worth? In this article, we’ll delve into the financial status of the talented actor and playwright. From his earnings and assets to his overall wealth, we’ll explore the factors that have contributed to his success in the entertainment industry.

hamish linklater net worth

Key Takeaways:

Hamish Linklater’s Career Achievements and Recognitions

Hamish Linklater’s remarkable career has been defined by his exceptional talent and has garnered him numerous achievements and recognition in the entertainment industry. Known for his versatility and depth as an actor, Linklater’s performances have left a lasting impact on audiences and critics alike.

One of his notable roles was as Matthew Kimble in the hit series “The New Adventures of Old Christine,” where he showcased his comedic chops and ability to bring complex characters to life. Linklater’s talent extended to the big screen as well, with memorable performances in films such as “The Big Short,” where he displayed his range and ability to tackle intense and dramatic roles.

In recognition of his outstanding work, Linklater received the esteemed Critics Choice Award in 2021 for his role in “Midnight Mass.” This accolade not only solidified his standing in the industry but also highlighted his exceptional talent and dedication to the craft of acting.

“I am truly honored and grateful to receive this recognition. It is a testament to the passion and commitment I have for my craft, and I am humbled to be among such talented individuals in the industry.” – Hamish Linklater

Throughout his career, Linklater has garnered praise from award committees for his exceptional performances in various projects. His ability to immerse himself in his roles, captivating audiences with his authenticity and delivery, has earned him the respect and admiration of his peers.

Notable Achievements and Awards:

Hamish Linklater’s career achievements and recognition speak volumes about his talent and the impact he has made in the entertainment industry. His dedication, versatility, and ability to deliver compelling performances have cemented his status as a respected actor, ensuring that his contributions to the world of entertainment will be celebrated for years to come.

Hamish Linklater’s Personal Life and Relationships

In his personal life, Hamish Linklater has experienced meaningful relationships and a strong support system that have greatly influenced his personal and professional growth.

Prior to his current relationship, Linklater was married to Jessica Goldberg from 2002 to 2012. During their marriage, the couple welcomed four children, forming a loving and nurturing family.

Since 2013, Linklater has been in a relationship with actress Lily Rabe. The couple has shared their lives together, building a deep connection and supporting each other’s careers.

Throughout his personal journey, Linklater has been fortunate to have the unwavering love and guidance of his mother, Kristen Linklater, who played a significant role in nurturing his passion for the performing arts.

“My mother has been my rock, instilling in me a deep love for theater and providing constant support in pursuing my dreams,” Linklater fondly acknowledges.

The love and support from his loved ones have played an integral role in Linklater’s overall success and happiness.

Hamish Linklater with family

Through the love and influence of his family, Hamish Linklater has thrived both personally and professionally, leaving a lasting impact on the entertainment industry.

Hamish Linklater’s Early Life and Education

Hamish Linklater, born on July 7, 1976, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, United States, had a childhood surrounded by the vibrant world of performing arts. Growing up in the Berkshires region, Linklater’s mother, Kristen Linklater, played a pivotal role in introducing him to the captivating world of theater and acting.

At the age of eight, Linklater joined his mother’s drama company, igniting his passion for the stage and setting the foundation for his remarkable journey as an actor. His early exposure to the performing arts provided the nurturing environment necessary to foster his natural talent and set him on a path to success.

Linklater’s educational journey encompassed both secondary and higher education. He attended Commonwealth School, where his intellectual curiosity and artistic inclinations were nurtured. Later, he pursued his higher education at Amherst College, where he honed his skills and deepened his understanding of the craft.

Despite the academic opportunities at his disposal, Linklater ultimately decided to wholeheartedly pursue a full-time acting career, driven by his unwavering passion and commitment to the arts.

hamish linklater early life

Hamish Linklater’s early life and education played a significant role in shaping him into the talented actor he is today. The support of his mother and the experiences he gained during childhood laid a strong foundation for his successful career in the entertainment industry.

Hamish Linklater’s Filmography

Hamish Linklater’s filmography boasts a diverse range of notable works across various genres. His talent and charisma have shone through in each performance, establishing him as a sought-after actor in the industry.

In his impressive film career, Linklater has graced the screens in movies such as:

These films showcase Linklater’s versatility, as he effortlessly brings depth and authenticity to his characters. His performances have garnered critical acclaim, solidifying his position as a talented and respected actor.

It is Linklater’s exceptional ability to connect with audiences and deliver nuanced portrayals that set him apart. Whether he’s playing in a romantic comedy, a sci-fi thriller, or a Shakespearean adaptation, Linklater’s talent shines through.

hamish linklater films

Hamish Linklater’s Television Career

Hamish Linklater has had an impressive television career, showcasing his versatility and talent in various roles. With standout performances in popular series like “The New Adventures of Old Christine,” “Legion,” and “Fargo,” Linklater has captivated audiences with his ability to seamlessly transition between comedy and drama.

Throughout his career, Linklater has consistently delivered memorable performances that have resonated with viewers. His portrayal of characters in these acclaimed shows has earned him recognition and increased his popularity as an actor.

One of Linklater’s notable roles was in the hit comedy series “The New Adventures of Old Christine.” He portrayed the character of Matthew Kimble, the brother of the lead character, played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus. His comedic timing and chemistry with the rest of the cast made the show a success.

Linklater also showcased his dramatic acting skills in the critically acclaimed series “Legion.” In this mind-bending superhero drama, he played the character of Clark Debussy, a government agent investigating supernatural events. His nuanced performance added depth to the complex storyline.

Another noteworthy role for Linklater was in the popular crime anthology series “Fargo.” He portrayed the character of Larue Dollard, a journalist who becomes entangled in a crime story. His portrayal of this morally ambiguous character demonstrated his ability to bring depth and complexity to his roles.

Hamish Linklater’s Notable Television Roles:

  • “The New Adventures of Old Christine” as Matthew Kimble
  • “Legion” as Clark Debussy
  • “Fargo” as Larue Dollard
  • Hamish Linklater’s contributions to television have solidified his status as a talented and versatile actor. His memorable performances and ability to inhabit diverse characters have made him a sought-after talent in the industry.

    Hamish Linklater Television

    Hamish Linklater’s Net Worth Growth

    Hamish Linklater’s net worth has shown consistent growth over the years. In 2023, his estimated net worth is $7 million, reflecting a steady increase from $6.5 million in 2022, $6 million in 2021, $5.7 million in 2020, and $5.4 million in 2019. His enduring success in the entertainment industry, coupled with his strategic career choices, has contributed to his financial prosperity.

    Throughout his career as an actor and playwright, Hamish Linklater has made strategic decisions that have paved the way for his financial success. His versatility and talent have allowed him to secure lucrative roles in both films and television, further bolstering his net worth. Linklater’s consistent growth in wealth is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and ability to make wise career choices.

    hamish linklater net worth growth

    With each passing year, Hamish Linklater’s net worth has surpassed the previous, demonstrating his financial trajectory and the recognition he has received for his contributions to the entertainment industry. As his popularity and demand increase, so does his earning potential, resulting in a continuous upward trend in his net worth.

    In addition to his financial success, Linklater’s net worth growth is also a reflection of his talent and the impact he has made in the entertainment industry. His versatility as an actor, coupled with his impressive performances in both comedic and dramatic roles, has garnered critical acclaim and earned him a devoted fan base. This combination of critical and commercial success has catapulted Linklater’s career to new heights, further contributing to his financial prosperity.

    Hamish Linklater’s Contributions to Theatre

    Hamish Linklater’s career in the entertainment industry extends beyond the screen. His notable contributions to the theatre world have solidified his reputation as a versatile and talented actor. Linklater’s deep love for classical literature and drama, along with his early exposure to theatre, have shaped his career and positioned him as a respected figure in the industry.

    Performances of Shakespearean Works

    Hamish Linklater’s performances of Shakespearean works have earned him recognition and praise. His ability to bring these timeless characters to life on stage showcases his versatility as an actor and his mastery of the English language. Whether portraying the tragic Prince Hamlet, the witty Benedick, or the lovestruck Romeo, Linklater’s interpretations are captivating and resonate with audiences.

    Venturing into Playwriting

    Linklater’s artistic endeavors extend beyond acting. He has ventured into playwriting, further showcasing his creativity and passion for theatre. Through his written works, Linklater explores diverse themes and narratives, bringing thought-provoking stories to the stage. His playwriting adds another dimension to his artistic repertoire and reflects his commitment to pushing the boundaries of storytelling.

    Overall, Hamish Linklater’s contributions to theatre, including his powerful performances of Shakespearean works and his foray into playwriting, demonstrate his dedication to the craft and his commitment to enriching the world of performing arts.

    Hamish Linklater Theatre

    Contributions to TheatreKey Highlights
    Performances of Shakespearean Works– Captivating portrayal of iconic Shakespearean characters
    Venturing into Playwriting– Showcasing creativity and originality through written works

    Hamish Linklater’s Social Media Presence

    Hamish Linklater understands the importance of connecting with his fans and staying engaged in the digital age. He maintains an active presence on social media platforms, notably on Instagram. With a remarkable following of approximately 46.8K fans, Linklater’s social media presence allows him to share updates about his projects and personal life while providing a glimpse into his life as both an actor and a father.

    On Instagram, Hamish Linklater shares behind-the-scenes moments, sneak peeks into his upcoming projects, and personal insights into his daily life. Through vibrant photos and captivating captions, he keeps his fans informed and entertained. From sharing his experiences on set to showcasing his love for acting, Linklater’s Instagram account is a treasure trove for his dedicated followers.

    Furthermore, Linklater actively engages with his fans by responding to their comments and messages, fostering a sense of community and connection. His authenticity and genuine interaction with his followers have made his social media presence a source of inspiration and admiration.

    Hamish Linklater's Instagram

    Stay updated with Hamish Linklater’s latest endeavors by following him on Instagram and join his vibrant community of fans.

    Hamish Linklater’s Legacy and Impact

    Hamish Linklater’s remarkable career has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry, establishing his enduring legacy. With his versatile talent and unwavering dedication, Linklater has captivated audiences and garnered critical acclaim both on the big screen and the small screen.

    As an actor, Linklater has showcased an impressive range, effortlessly transitioning between comedic and dramatic roles. His notable contributions to films like “The Big Short” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” highlight his ability to bring depth and authenticity to his characters, cementing his status as a respected figure in the industry.

    Linklater’s impact extends beyond his acting prowess. As a playwright, he has added another dimension to his artistic repertoire, showcasing his creativity and storytelling abilities. His notable works have not only entertained audiences but also inspired aspiring actors and playwrights, leaving an everlasting imprint on the entertainment industry.


    How much is Hamish Linklater worth?

    Hamish Linklater’s net worth is estimated to be approximately million.

    What are some of Hamish Linklater’s career achievements?

    Hamish Linklater has received numerous awards and accolades throughout his career, including the Critics Choice Award in 2021 for his role in “Midnight Mass.”

    Who is Hamish Linklater in a relationship with?

    Hamish Linklater has been in a relationship with Lily Rabe since 2013.

    How many children does Hamish Linklater have?

    Hamish Linklater has four children with his ex-wife, Jessica Goldberg.

    Where was Hamish Linklater born?

    Hamish Linklater was born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, United States.

    What are some notable films Hamish Linklater has appeared in?

    Hamish Linklater has appeared in films such as “The Big Short,” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” and “Battleship,” among others.

    What are some notable television shows Hamish Linklater has been a part of?

    Hamish Linklater has appeared in television shows like “The New Adventures of Old Christine,” “Legion,” and “Fargo.”

    How has Hamish Linklater’s net worth grown over the years?

    Hamish Linklater’s net worth has shown consistent growth over the years, reaching approximately million in 2023.

    In addition to acting, what other contributions has Hamish Linklater made?

    Hamish Linklater has also ventured into playwriting, showcasing his creative talents in addition to his acting career.

    What is Hamish Linklater’s social media presence like?

    Hamish Linklater maintains an active presence on Instagram, where he has an impressive following of approximately 46.8K fans.

    What impact has Hamish Linklater had on the entertainment industry?

    Hamish Linklater’s versatile talent and outstanding contributions have solidified his position as a respected figure in the industry, leaving a lasting legacy and inspiring aspiring actors.
