My Introduction to Poverty Came with Marriage to My Ex-husband Iyabo Ojo

May 2024 · 1 minute read

In an interview with media personality Toke Makinwa, Nollywood actress Iyabo Ojo revealed that she experienced poverty for the first time when she married her ex-husband, Ademidun Ojo.

Ojo shared her reflections on being married to the father of her two children during her conversation with Makinwa.

She said, “The first time I visited my husband’s house, I was unaware of the existence of low-income apartments. Often, we cannot blame the wealthy for their lack of understanding towards the struggles of the poor, because I myself had no idea what poverty entailed.

“At home, we had access to an industrial generator. Whenever the electricity went out, it would quickly come back on. My grandmother was one of the wealthiest women of her time. I had my own car that transported me to school and back.

“The only time I experienced poverty was when I married my ex-husband. Initially, it felt exciting. It seemed like an adventure. At the age of 18, a bank account was opened in my name, thanks to the provisions my grandfather made in his will. I had money. Just imagine, in 1997/1998, I had about N100,000 in my bank account.”
