Is CM Punk boring? | WrestleZone Forums

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read
Overall I am a huge CM Punk fan, and I would watch him wrestle a sack of potatoes. But lately on the mic, he has been very boring and unoriginal. Up until he started this Disrespected stuff, he was on of the best on the Mic. I was a fan of the stuff he did with the Ses, Nexus and of course the Summer of Punk promo's.

But lately he has become predictable, for example, as soon as VKM started talking last night, I knew it wouldn't be long before Punk came down demanding respect. And the unfortunate part of his promo's lately is that you can shoot huge holes through his logic (but of course you can also shoot holes through some of the logic coming the other way as well). I am hoping that soon they will change his character a bit, keep him heel, but let him change his promo's up a bit.
