Peter Barends Obituary, Honoring the Vibrant Life and Adventure of Ohio Resident Peter Barends with

May 2024 · 10 minute read


Peter Barends Obituary: A Life Filled with Vibrancy and Adventure – Remembering Peter Barends


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With a shock of firecracker-red hair and an infectious energy, Peter Chase Barends brought joy and laughter to all who knew him. From his athletic prowess to his artistic talents, Peter’s life was a testament to his unwavering passion for adventure. In this tribute, we honor the memory of a beloved son, adored brother, and cherished member of the Bexley, Ohio community. Join us as we celebrate the indelible mark Peter left on the hearts of his family, friends, and all who were fortunate enough to know him.

Peter Barends Obituary

Untimely Passing of Peter Chase Barends

It is with great sorrow that we announce the unexpected departure of Peter Chase Barends, a vibrant and spirited individual from Bexley, Ohio. At the young age of 24, Peter’s untimely passing has left a void in the hearts of all who had the privilege of knowing him. His infectious energy, athletic prowess, and unwavering passion for adventure made a lasting impact on his family, friends, and community. Today, we gather to honor the memory of Peter and the indelible mark he left on our lives.

Peter Barends Obituary

Life and Legacy of Peter

Peter Chase Barends, born on July 3, 1999, in Columbus, Ohio, brought a spark of joy and celebration wherever he went. From his shock of firecracker-red hair to his mischievous smile, Peter’s presence illuminated the lives of those around him. He was not only a beloved son and adored brother but also a cherished member of the Bexley community. Peter’s athletic pursuits, from basketball to lacrosse, tennis to golf, and even snow skiing, showcased his natural talent and competitive spirit. His dedication to weightlifting further demonstrated his commitment to physical fitness and well-being.

Beyond his athletic endeavors, Peter’s artistic talents were equally remarkable. As a skilled ceramicist, he mastered the potter’s wheel, creating beautiful and unique pieces that reflected his creative spirit. Whether on the court or in the art studio, Peter’s passion and dedication were evident in every endeavor he pursued.

Peter’s love for people and his thirst for new experiences guided his enthusiastic approach to life. From fishing trips with his grandfather to mission trips with the St. Alban’s Youth Group, and even a spirited Vespa ride through the streets of Rome with Aunt Sarah, Peter embraced every opportunity for discovery and connection.

In addition to his athletic and artistic pursuits, Peter was dedicated to his education and professional growth. Enrolled in classes at Columbus State, he showed a commitment to learning and personal development. His charismatic personality made him a favorite among colleagues and residents in his jobs in hospitality and assisted living.

While Peter’s passing is a tragic loss, he leaves behind a network of love and support. His mother, Lisa (John) Darke, father Fred (Rachel) Barends, siblings Hannah (Conor) Loy, Parker Barends, Tessa Darke, and Ella Mae Darke, along with grandmother Ann Lowder, aunts Sarah Lowder and Amy (Donna) Barends, and uncle Andrew Kauffman, mourn his departure. The extended family, friends, and all who had the privilege of knowing Peter will deeply feel the void left by his absence.


Today, we gather to celebrate Peter’s life and invite friends and loved ones to join us at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Bexley, Ohio. Together, we will remember the vibrant soul that Peter was and find solace in sharing memories, offering condolences, and finding strength in our collective remembrance of a life that burned bright but ended too soon.

A Cherished Son and Adored Brother

Early Years and Family

Peter Barends, a beloved son and adored brother, brought warmth and joy to his family from the moment he entered the world. Growing up in Bexley, Ohio, Peter quickly became an integral part of his community. His mischievous smile and contagious energy left a lasting impression on everyone he encountered. Throughout his childhood and adolescence, Peter’s vibrant presence illuminated the lives of his peers, mentors, and friends. His family, consisting of his parents Lisa (John) Darke and Fred (Rachel) Barends, found immeasurable happiness in his presence. From the preschool playground to the fields and courts of the Bexley School System, Peter’s athletic pursuits showcased his natural talent and fierce competitive spirit.

Athletic Pursuits and Dedication to Fitness

Peter’s journey through various sports, including basketball, lacrosse, tennis, golf, and snow skiing, was a testament to his dedication and love for the thrill of competition. His excellence in basketball was particularly notable, with his exceptional 3-point shot leaving spectators in awe. Beyond organized sports, Peter’s devotion to weightlifting further demonstrated his commitment to physical fitness and overall well-being. He understood the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and embraced the challenges that came with it. Peter’s athletic pursuits not only brought him personal fulfillment but also inspired those around him to push their own boundaries and strive for greatness. His dedication to fitness served as a constant reminder of the importance of taking care of one’s body and mind.

Throughout his life, Peter’s unwavering passion for sports and physical activity was a reflection of his vibrant spirit and zest for life. His athletic achievements and commitment to fitness will forever be remembered as a testament to his determination and drive.

The Artistic Soul: Mastering the Potter’s Wheel

Creative Talents and Passion for Art

In addition to his athletic pursuits, Peter Barends possessed a remarkable artistic talent that shone brightly throughout his life. A skilled ceramicist, he found solace and inspiration at the potter’s wheel, where he created beautiful and unique pieces of art. Peter’s creative spirit was evident in every stroke of clay, as he effortlessly transformed raw materials into works of art that captivated the imagination. His dedication to mastering the craft and his innate ability to bring life to his creations showcased his artistic prowess. Whether it was a delicate vase or a whimsical sculpture, Peter’s artistic talents were a testament to his ability to express himself and evoke emotions through his art.


Embracing Adventure and Connection

For Peter, life was an adventure waiting to unfold. His love for people and his insatiable thirst for new experiences guided his enthusiastic approach to life. From memorable fishing trips with his grandfather to mission trips with the St. Alban’s Youth Group, Peter embraced every opportunity for discovery and connection. His artistic endeavors were not limited to the studio; he found inspiration in the world around him. Whether it was capturing the beauty of nature through his artwork or embarking on a spirited Vespa ride through the streets of Rome with Aunt Sarah, Peter’s zest for life was contagious. He believed in the power of adventure to broaden horizons and create lasting memories. Peter’s ability to find joy in the simplest of moments and his genuine curiosity about the world around him inspired those who had the privilege of knowing him to embrace their own sense of adventure and seek meaningful connections with others.

Peter Barends’ artistic soul and his unwavering passion for adventure and connection will forever be remembered as a testament to his vibrant spirit and his ability to find beauty in every aspect of life. His artistic talents and his zest for exploration serve as a reminder to us all to embrace our creative passions and to seek out new experiences that enrich our lives.

Educational and Professional Pursuits

Dedication to Education and Growth

Peter Barends was not only a talented athlete and artist but also a dedicated student committed to his education and personal growth. While enrolled in classes at Columbus State, Peter demonstrated a thirst for knowledge and a desire to expand his horizons. He approached his studies with enthusiasm and a genuine curiosity, always seeking to deepen his understanding of the world around him. Peter’s commitment to education went beyond the classroom, as he actively sought out opportunities for learning and self-improvement in various aspects of his life.

Promising Future Cut Short

Peter’s dedication to his education and professional growth was a testament to his ambition and potential. His charismatic personality and natural ability to connect with others made him a favorite among colleagues and residents in his jobs in hospitality and assisted living. Peter’s promising future, filled with endless possibilities and aspirations, now stands as a poignant reminder of a life tragically cut short. The impact he could have made in his chosen field and the contributions he could have made to society are a testament to his drive and determination.

The loss of Peter’s bright future is a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. While his passing leaves a void in the hearts of those who knew him, his memory serves as a reminder to pursue our own educational and professional endeavors with passion and purpose. Peter’s legacy will continue to inspire others to embrace learning, personal growth, and the pursuit of their dreams.

Family Left Behind: A Network of Love and Support

Surviving Family Members

Despite the profound loss, Peter Barends is survived by a loving and grieving family who will continue to cherish his memory. His mother, Lisa (John) Darke, and father, Fred (Rachel) Barends, along with his siblings Hannah (Conor) Loy, Parker Barends, Tessa Darke, and Ella Mae Darke, mourn the departure of their beloved son and brother. The bond they shared with Peter was one of unconditional love and support, and his absence will be deeply felt in their lives. In addition to his immediate family, Peter is also survived by his grandmother, Ann Lowder, and his aunts Sarah Lowder and Amy (Donna) Barends, as well as his uncle Andrew Kauffman. The extended family, friends, and all who had the privilege of knowing Peter will forever hold him in their hearts.

Celebration of Peter’s Life

Celebration of Peter's Life
In a celebration of Peter’s vibrant life, friends and loved ones are invited to join the family at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Bexley, Ohio. On Saturday, February 3rd, at 11 am, we will gather to honor Peter’s memory and pay tribute to the impact he had on our lives. This gathering will provide an opportunity to share cherished memories, offer condolences, and find solace in the collective remembrance of a life that burned bright but ended too soon. Following the service, a reception will be held, allowing us to come together, support one another, and find comfort in the love and support of our community. As we celebrate Peter’s life, we will find strength in the shared memories and the enduring legacy he leaves behind.

It is with deep sadness that we announce the untimely passing of Peter Chase Barends, a vibrant soul from Bexley, Ohio. Peter’s life was marked by his infectious energy, athletic prowess, and unwavering passion for adventure. He touched the hearts of all who knew him, leaving an indelible mark on his family, friends, and community. Despite his young age, Peter’s presence illuminated the lives of those around him, promising a future filled with joy, laughter, and countless adventures. He was not only a beloved son and adored brother but also a talented athlete, artist, and dedicated student. Peter’s passing leaves a void that will be deeply felt by his loving family and all who had the privilege of knowing him. We invite friends and loved ones to join us in celebrating Peter’s life and sharing memories at St Alban’s Episcopal Church in Bexley, Ohio. Let us find solace in the collective remembrance of a life that burned bright but ended too soon. Our thoughts and condolences go out to Peter’s family and friends during this difficult time.

